Help is AppreciateD!

We are an all-volunteer rescue, 100% of your donation goes towards caring, rehabilitating, vetting, and finding forever homes for those we rescue. We rely solely on donations to continue our work. We are a 501c3 non-profit, all donations are tax deductible.


Click the button below to donate via PayPal.

Prefer to donate another way? Contact us to make arrangements! Contributions are tax-deductible.

Wishlist items

We have wishlists for items we can use in rescue such as food, litter, and some kitty enrichment. Shopping on Chewy and able to add a donated item to your basket? All you have to do is add the item to your cart (from our list linked below). and Chewy will do the rest in getting it to us!

Our Store

Check out our lovely selection of items including shirts and cards – a portion of every purchase goes to help our work!! And don’t forget to keep checking back since we add new items from time to time. These make great gifts for the cat lovers in your life or even for yourself!

It takes a minimum of $200 to prepare a healthy kitten for adoption, and remedial medical care is often needed to assure an adult cat a healthy forever placement.

$125 - first year immunizations, 3 doses

$40 - Rabies vaccination

$70 - pays for FIV/FELV testing if needed

$60 - neuter for a male kitten or cat

$95 - spay a female kitten or cat

$40 - average cost for parasite control

$400 - Kitten milk and kitten food to raising a healthy litter of five bottle babies through their first 9 weeks

$45 - per night of hospitalization, plus medications, for a seriously ill kitten.

We never euthanize, unless a cat or kitten is terminally ill and all other options have been exhausted. Almost always, the sickest baby or adult will recover and go on to lead a normal, healthy life.